Lösningsfokuserade partners och organisationer


EBTA European Brief Therapy Association

SFBTA Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association, 2010 i Alberta, Canada.

Solworld Solutions in Organisations Linkup

Ben Furman, Helsinki, Finland

Verti AB Stefan Görson

BRIEF Evan George, Chris Iveson, Harvey Ratner, London, UK

SFwork The Centre for Solutions Focus at Work, Mark McKergow and Jenny Clarke with trainings, books, applications, consulting, Edinburgh, Scotland

Solutionsology Harry Norman, Bristol, UK

Bill O'Hanlons homepage Bill O´Hanlon, USA

BTI of Sydney Michael Durrant, Sydney, Australia - "Strengths in Schools" project.

SOLUTION Henrik o Mette Vesterhauge-Petersen, Denmark

MRI The Mental Research Institute, USA

ScottDMiller Institute for Therapeutic Change, Scott D. Miller, Chicago, USA

SySt Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Insaa Sparrer, Munich, Germany

Solutions Academy, Kirsten Dierolf, Germany

Solution-focused Management Louis Cauffman, Belgium

SFLK Svenska Föreningen för Lösningsfokuserad Korttidsterapi

Waitong Utbildning Lösningsfokus, FIT & ADAD, Niklas Waitong

Fletcher Peacock USA, "Water the flowers not the weeds".

VITAL goodsolution Sussan Öster

Korn Hans-Peter Korn, Switzerland

The SF Brief Approach Joel Simon, USA

Eileen Murphy UK

SIKT Harry Korman and Jocelyne Lopez-Korman, Malmö

Clues Center för Lösningsfokuserad utveckling, Björn Johansson, Eva Persson och Urban Norling, Karlstad

Framtidsfokus Caroline Klingenstierna och Michael Klingenstierna Hjerth, Konsultation och utbildning, Stockholm

Göteborgs institut för Lösningsfokus Karin Thorslund och Anna Gartwall, Göteborg

Glasgow Group Alan Kay and the Glasgow Group, Toronto, Canada

Solutionssurfers Peter Szabo, Switzerland